ARB 200 Series- Offroad 4x4

Where Can Your ARB 4X4 Take You?

When it comes to vehicles that have the ability to rule both the roads and surrounding terrain, it’s fair to say that the 4X4 wins the day! However, if you are really serious about your four wheel drive experience, then here at Offroad 4X4 we recommend going one step more precise and going straight for the iconic ARB 4X4.

An absolute giant of its kind and perfect for everything road related here in Australia, we really can’t think of a better vehicle to cover all your possible requirements and preferences. When making a decision as crucial as which 4X4 to purchase, it is important that you know all the facts! Here is a little bit of information about the strengths of the ARB 4X4, and where exactly it can take you!

  • Where can a vehicle like this take you? Well, the simple answer is pretty much anywhere! Capable of smooth driving on the roads and robust driving on lots of different kinds of off road terrain, a 4X4 is the ideal car to choose if you are planning on undertaking a classic Australian adventure around the outback.
  • With a wide range of canopies and roof racks, your car can transport not only you but any worldly goods that you might need, along with doubling as recreation and relaxation space when you find a spot that you would like to stop at for a while.
  • Towing equipment is also something helpful that can be added to your 4X4, allowing you to undertake much bigger scale projects with other machines in your arsenal. It’s fair to say that there aren’t many more stylish towing machines out there!
  • The key to getting the very best out of your 4X4 is to make sure that you only purchase the highest quality accessories for it. When partaking in some serious off roading, you can’t afford to be caught out with car additions that don’t work as well as they promised to!


So, if you think that you need to purchase ARB products in Bathurst NSW, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or give us a call! We are the ultimate authority in the area when it comes to everything ARB, you would be doing yourself a disservice by going to anyone other than us! We boast an unrivaled selection of accessories that can take your ARB 4X4 to the next level.